(I) the late-night helpless tiredness that made Xris, realise the cyclical, never-ending seduction of capitalism.

Visual poetry

Most of my works portray cyborgs navigating existential feelings or crises. I often use the fictioning of myself, Xris, an alter ego or rather my digital appendage, to do so. Image (I) is the late-night helpless tiredness that made Xris, realise the cyclical, never-ending seduction of capitalism.  Image (II) is flirtation, erotic, slightly toxic, of the human with the machine. A machine that is very much tied to that seductive capitalism. Image (III) is the response flirtation of the machine (done in the computer terminal) with the human. A sort of techno-witchcraftian seal of a bond. An acceptance of a condition and an attempt to foster an affectionate relationship with their devices.

(II) Flirtation, erotic, slightly toxic, of the human with the machine.
(III)  the response flirtation of the machine (done in the computer terminal) with the human. A sort of techno-witchcraftian seal of a bond. An acceptance of a condition and an attempt to foster an affectionate relationship with their devices.

©2025 Nella Piatek. All rights reserved.